


Each 10 ml contains :

  • Indomethacin 0.01% mg


Bottle of 10 mL of Indometacin 0.1% w/v solution.


Indonique is used for :

  • Prevention of per-operative miosis during cataract surgery.
  • Prevention of inflammatory manifestations related to surgical operations for cataract and to anterior segment of the eye.


Prevention of per-operative miosis during cataract surgery : 1 drop every 30 minutes within 2 hours preceding the operation.

Prevention of inflammatory manifestations related to cataract and to anterior segment of the eye surgery : 1 drop 4 to 6 times a day before operation, 1 drop every 30 minutes within 2 hours preceding the operation and 1 drop 4 times per day for one month.

To administer treatment, gently pull down the lower lid of the eye and apply one drop of solution while looking upwards